• 78 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 13 Files

  • How To Use This Course

  • Quick Visualization Exercise

  • Introduction

  • 1. Authentic Communication

  • 2. Look Inward

  • 3. Family Centric

  • 4. Happy Is Not The Goal

  • 5. It's Not A Crisis

  • 6. Healthy Emotions, Healthy Behaviors

  • The EBP Method Explained

  • Principles & Method Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • What's It Like Being A Child?

  • Egocentric

  • Extreme

  • Initiative

  • Inflexible

  • Magical Thinking

  • Start Here

  • What And Why

  • Outbursts: What To Do

  • Screaming

  • More On Screaming

  • Hitting (And Other Physical Behaviors)

  • Quick Tip!

  • Real Life & In Public

  • Example

  • Final Thoughts

  • Outbursts Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Why Do Kids Lie?

  • Lying: What To Do (Part 1)

  • Lying: What To Do (Part 2)

  • Final Thoughts On Lying

  • Why Do Kids Steal?

  • Stealing: What To Do

  • Lying & Stealing Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Whining

  • Whining Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Start Here

  • Fear Of Being Alone

  • Fixated On A Traumatic Fear

  • Anxiety: What To Do

  • Indirect Anxiety

  • "What If?"

  • Emotional Pain As Physical Pain

  • Fears & Anxiety Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Introduction

  • Winning & Losing: What To Do

  • Winning & Losing: Additional Tips

  • Winning & Losing: Example

  • Bragging: Why & What To Do

  • Teasing: Why & What To Do

  • Winning & Losing, Bragging & Teasing Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Repairing

  • Repairing Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Introduction

  • The 3 Fs

  • A Feisty Child (Part 1)

  • A Feisty Child (Part 2)

  • A Feisty Child (Part 3)

  • A Fearful Child

  • A Flexible Child

  • Social Misunderstandings

  • Personality & Social Skills Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Introduction

  • Crying

  • Sleep: What To Do (In 3 Steps)

  • Additional Tips For Healthy Sleep

  • Bedtime Fears

  • Bedtime Stalling

  • Getting Out Of Bed

  • Co-Sleeping

  • Sleep Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Is It All Bad?

  • Screen Time: What To Do

  • Setting Boundaries

  • Pushback

  • Example

  • Final thoughts

  • Screen Time Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • Why Is Transition Hard?

  • Everyday Transitions

  • Big Changes

  • Transitions & Change Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • What Is Discipline?

  • Punishment

  • What To Do

  • Consequences

  • Timeout

  • Rewards

  • Discipline Cheat Sheet (DOWNLOAD ME!)

  • When Your Child Says... (DOWNLOAD ME!)